There is a course entitled “A Course In Miracles”. There is no author clearly delineated on this book but it is now said that Helen Schucman (a psychologist) in fact wrote down the book with the help of William Thetford.
This has been a powerful course of study for many people and is transformational in its effects. The very first book I read on spiritual transformation was a book by Marianne Williamsen called “A Return of Love”. This book was based on her study and understanding of the Course of Miracles. As she says, “It is a statement of universal spiritual themes.”
- Marianne Williamsen
The main theme of the book is that we have a choice in each moment. We can choose Love or we can choose Fear. It is that simple and it is that difficult.
It seems we are hard wired to choose Fear in a knee jerk kind of way. We choose the lowest thought forms. We wait for the other shoe to drop. We wake up and think about that one thing that is painful to us. We choose Fear.
What if we decided to use this one simple concept today. In each moment. Those old gnarly thoughts come circling around putting you in a place of angst or grief or jealously or whatever. And you just stopped, took a long slow breath and with consciousness said, “I choose Love”.
What does that mean? It is infinite in it’s meaning. It may be becoming very soft and open. It may mean standing strong and setting a boundary. It may mean choosing faith or courage. Each experience calls for it’s own unique aspect of Love.
Would that feel better? I think so. I feel like I stand taller when I choose Love. I feel more confident, more able to trust what is unfolding in front of me and know that the puzzle pieces will fall into place as they will………in perfect timing.
Think back on your day or week. Where did you choose Love? How did that feel? Where did you choose Fear? How did that feel?
As always, be compassionate with yourself. No judging, just observation.
Much love, m
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