In the “new age” world we read a lot about creating the world that we desire, about positive affirmations and about keeping our thoughts and “vibration” in a high place. That is all well and fine. But WHAT do we do with the underlying feelings of unworthiness, of not feeling good enough, of anxiety etc. ?
In EFT, we LOOK for the places where we have these heavy feelings. We become a detective to ferret out the specific events that planted these seeds in our minds and bodies. We don’t push away our feelings of not feeling valued or feeling judged, etc. We go right INTO it. We walk INTO the fire so that we can walk OUT of the fire. We don’t try to cover it up with positive words but we work with pulling it all out by the roots. THEN we can plant new seeds, new thoughts that are positive and life giving that have a much greater chance of rooting and growing strong.
This morning I came across some places in my life where I have not felt valued. Very painful to feel. But I know the importance of staying as fully present with the emotion as I can so it can come up and move THROUGH. I have learned that these emotions are like waves that start small, build intensity and then break and wash to the shore. I just need to follow them as I “tap” on the meridian points and work with the needed language.
In your quiet time simply say to yourself (or write in your journal), “I did not feel valued when………….”. “Another time that I did not feel valued was…………” “Another time I did not feel valued was……….” Try to come up with 2 or 3 events.
We move on to create the phrase we will be tapping on. “Even though I did not feel valued by …….when he/she did/said………I choose to know that I am deeply valued and I feel it”
“Even though I have believed the LIE that I was not valuable, I now choose to KNOW that I am deeply valuable and I FEEL it”
If you know the tapping sequences, you can begin to tap. If you do not, just work with saying these phrases. See what you feel or remember. Allow any emotions that come up to come up and move through. You may be surprised how much emotion comes up. We may think that we have moved through old traumas but when we put our attention on them old, stuck emotion can quickly come to the surface to be RELEASED!
I am having 3 weeks of “tapping classes” here at my home starting TONIGHT, Sept. 16th at 6:30-8:00 if you want to have the group experience and have my guidance. Cost is $75 for all three Thursday evenings in Sept. or $30 for a drop in.
We would like to sweep our old hurt feelings under the rug but it doesn’t work. Present situations will trigger unhealed wounds so until we do some type of healing work they will continue to show themselves. Once we truly move INTO the emotion and release it, we find ourselves being triggered less and less in our daily lives.
Let me know questions that arise and I will try and address them in future blogs. Of course, I am also available for private sessions. We also do a lot of EFT/Tapping in my mentorship classes.
It is time that we all release this lie that we are not valued and valuable…….I value all of your wonderful comments! Thanks for reading.
Please just click on one of the icons under “share the love” to pass this on to your social network page if you have found it valuable! Thank you and great blessings, Melanie
Thanks for this entry Mel! This is interesting for me to think through. It was also useful for me to think about the areas where I HAVE felt valued…and how I tend to fall back on those instead of pushing to grow in ways that are a bit uncomfortable.
thanks for the comment! was great to see you! love hanging out with you and i VALUE you:) m