Where is your consciousness right now?? More eaily understood is, where are your thoughts right now? Are you feeling inspired about a current project? Is your heart filled with thoughts of all the love and good things that you have in your life? Are you anxious about how you are going to pay the bills? Are you unsettled about some matter in your life? Where are your thoughts?
Another thing to notice is, what are you feeling? You may have a thought about your bills but because you have created a strong belief system around KNOWING that you are cared for the thought is more of a curiousity than a fear. You may think about what could be an unsettling situation but you immediately tap into your possibility thinking.
most of us have to learn these skills. Most of us have to spend time noticing our thoughts and ucovering our beliefs. It is not something that we just “know” without some detective work. Once we discover where our thougths/beliefs really are, we can begin to work with them. Some of our beliefs are absolutely spot on and supporting us in great ways…..more of that please! Others, take us down the road of doubt, self sabotage, self blame, et……..NOT HELPFUL! here is where our work is. Yes, the patterns are strong but there ARE ways to work with creating new thought patterns and beliefs.
A very simple question to ask oneself is “is this thought absolutely true” . This is a question that Byron Katie has developed her work around. it is a powerful question. Once we realize that the thought might be based around our perceptions or interpretations we can relax a little. What if this thought is NOT absolutely true…….how would I feel and respond then? If a way of thinking is taking you towards feeling “less than” “diminished” “contracted” “fearful”…….you might want to choose a different thought. WHY NOT choose a better feeling thought??
Happy thinking! melanie
A class on Beliefs will begin January 23rd at sun moon yoga studios in mankato, mn……see workshops and classes for info
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