Most weeks I have a very clear idea of what I want to write about. A thought comes in that is a big YES! and I just sit down and it writes itself. This week it is not like that. I sat down last night to write and I had no focus or theme come to me. I even looked at a couple books but nothing popped out at me. I thought “I need to sleep on this and something will come to me.” But here I am and STILL nothing “profound” or “inspiring” or “thought provoking” is coming to my mind. And that is OK.
There is a concept called “what time is it?” What that means is “where is my energy right now?” “What is life presenting to me right now”? So the question for me is “where am I in this process right now”?
There is a time to be in the nothingness, in the void, in the “not much seems to be really happening here.” Sometimes that can feel comfortable. It can feel like we are coasting, just moving through our day with equanimity. Sometimes it can feel painful. We may feel a lack of purpose. We may feel restless because we do not enjoy the “nothingness”. We may feel like “I SHOULD be doing SOMETHING but we don’t know what it is or we cannot get ourselves to do the “thing”.
There is a time to be in the nothingness, in the void, in the “not much seems to be really happening here.”
Something is always going on, however. Even if it is just a “rest” or the passing of time until something else can come in. Life is rich with happenings but “nothingness” or the feeling of it are a part of that. We must have the fallow time in order to create. The breath comes in and the breath goes out. We work and we rest. An idea, a shift needs time to develop before it is ready to be fully seen or experienced.
Living consciously means to just stay connected with your own experience. What is going on inside you? What is going on in the world around you. Just being OK with the “quieter” times is not always so easy. We often enjoy being in the “doing” the updraft of the energy.
So I think I am in that place today. Nothing particular that I need or want or am inspired to share with you today. It is ok. I know that I need to be connected to what I write in order for it to be “real” and experienced that way by myself and my readers.
I am coasting. I am in a place of equanimity. I may be in a very different place tomorrow and then I will live my life from that place. Life is easier when we are able to move and breathe from where we truly are and accept ourselves from that place.
What time is it for you today? Do you have a nudging spirit moving you towards something? Are you feeling passionate about some project. Is there something you really want/need to complete and suddenly you find the energy do that? Give energy to that which you have energy for and that will lead you to the next and the next and the next……….and that may mean doing nothing for a period of time.
Blessings! Enjoy the sunshine, melanie
Blessings, Melanie.
Masterfully done Mel! This found me at the perfect time. As the river season has come to an end, I am in the nothingness and just trying to be aware of it. Walks in the mountain, leaves on the ground, quietness.
Oh, and happy birthday dear friend, and cheers to many more to come!
graham! ;so happy to get your note:) i am glad that this spoke to your soul……….thank for the birthday greeting. my love to you:) m
This spoke to me also. I have to learn to relax and enjoy the nothingness when it comes my way. Marj