I promised that I would write more about working with priorities so here it is…..oh, i have to take a break. My PRIORITY is to move my body and get some fresh air, so I will be back in about 45 minutes:)
I am back! A BEAUTIFUL sunshiny day……wow. It certainly lifts the spirits:) Lizzie loves to be back outside checking everything out!
Priorities. Ok. Take out a piece of paper and write down your top 3 or 4 priorities in life…..What are they? Health? Family? Friends? Career?
Now close your eyes and think about how you spend your day, your week. Does the way you organize your day and week reflect your top 3 priorities??
This brief little exercise is quite enlightening. If we say that our partnership is our number one priority and then we realize we spend about 10 minutes a day with our partner mainly in a mundane conversation, it is no surprise that the relationship may be suffering. If we say that our health is one of our top priorities then we need to to be very honest and see how much effort and intention that we place on how we take care of ourselves on a daily basis. Are we choosing food that truly nurtures and builds health? Are we finding ways to move our bodies that is enlivening and that we enjoy?
If your children are your priority, are you spending time REALLY listening to them? Are you engaged with them in ways that feel very connected or are you mainly just driving them around from one activity to the next?
These are just some beginning thoughts for you to reflect on. Spend some time doing the exercise. Become honest with how you really spend your time. Does it feel quite balanced between the things that you value a great deal or not? If you feel dis-satisfied with your life, sometimes just doing some minor tweaking can bring you back into a deeper feeling of balance and enjoyment of your life. Sometimes it takes a more major overhaul.
That is all for now. I am enjoying my blogging and I am beginning to get some positive feedback from those of you who are reading them. Thank you for all of your love and support!
I hope to be seeing some of you in my workshop tomorrow “Developing a Spiritual Practice”. 11:30 at SunMoon in mankato, MN……blessings, melanie
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