We all make many decisions every day. Small decisions and large decisions. What is the energy BEHIND our decision making? Is it the need to please? Is it trying to prove your value to someone? Is it the fear of losing security?
As we heal our emotional wounds, we are able to make our decisions based on the present moment, not the inner fears and securities that churn from our younger years.
We can move forward in our lives when we make decisions that stem from fear and anxiety but it takes a lot out of us. They also may not be the highest decisions and choices. If we feel fearful, anxious or urgent, our energy fields, our minds are a bit contracted. The choices and decisions will come from that part of ourselves. When we feel calm, centered, empowered, clear, our choices and decisions will reflect that. The decisions and choices will be inspired. They will move us forward into a more inspired, fulfilling life.
When you have a decision to make, notice how you are feeling. Are you more concerned with taking care of other people’s feelings than making a decision that feels right inside you? Are you afraid of making the decision that feels so right because it will change your life? Living a rich, empowered, fulfilling life does require courage to move forward. It is not “fluff” but the rewards are many.
Once you identify what is driving your decision making, what do you need to do to find the courage to create a shift? What part of you needs healing to find the courage.
Living an authentic life demands us to continue to step up to the plate over and over in a variety of ways. Sometimes it is a small step and sometimes it is a big step.
2012 is a great time to get honest with yourself! Much love, Melanie
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