“We are never upset for the reason that we think we are.’ Paul and Layne Cutright
We get so lost being angry in the present that most of us never find the ROOT of the pain and anger. Without finding the root we will keep spinning. It is like digging up the quack grass in my gardens. If I just cut off the top, it will be back in a few days. It is only when I take the TIME and attention to detail and get the whole root will I be successful with it being eradicated. It is the same with our emotions.
Our current anger has only been triggered because it ‘bumped into’ the original wound. When we get more angry about something than is warranted, we know we have bumped into something called “historical anger”. Historical anger is a conglomeration of unexpressed anger. It is the original anger we have towards a parent, a sibling, an abuser, etc. If we have not addressed it directly, we spew it onto innocent people. Even if they are not ‘innocent’ we get overly triggered and pulled into the scene.
There is a saying that says something like, “We need to express the anger we feel in the moment with the exact person and exact event that has triggered it.”
Most of us did not do that and so we stockpiled our anger. Now we need to go back and process it out of our bodies. REMEMBER! If you have a 100 events that you have anger or rage over you will NOT need to address each of them. Once you begin to work directly with each of them, the rest of them will collapse as well. The beauty of EFT.
One more tip. You can initially, lump them ALL together and tap. That will feel less intense and scary than really going into an individual memory. Also, start with the least frightening to you and work your way inward.
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