This will be a complete chapter in my book……….did I just say “my” book??? Be careful what you say!!!
I have been working with this concept for some time. Where do I feel valued, where do I not and how does that play out in my life. What do I value and who do I value and how do I play that out in my life. Most importantly, what are the underlying beliefs that have created these experiences. Where did these beliefs begin to take form? How do I continue to live these beliefs out and that show up in all of the above questions around value?
Not feeling valued, that we are “enough” or important or worthy is a common theme. We may feel valued in our jobs but not by our spouses. We may feel valued by our spouses but not by our friends. We may feel valued for our creativity but not for our intelligence. We can be very creative at how we do or do not feel valued:)
Every word has a certain charge to it. some of the variations are, “not enough” “unworthy” “not valued” “unimportant” “un-noticed” “un-heard”….the list goes on.
You may already know which of these have the greatest charge for you. Do a little detective work. When is the earliest time that you felt you did not have value? Where would that message have come from? How do you keep it alive by your choices and life style?
Once we know what “drives” us, we can begin to challenge our old ways of being, thinking and acting to create new pathways. Change truly does come from within.
Take some time with this one. Take a look at how you value yourself and what you could do to “upgrade”. Take a look at the time and way that you treat those things or people that you say you DO value and perhaps you could also do an “upgrade”.
All for now! Many blessings, Melanie
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