Unraveling your thoughts……….does this sound like this could be helpful? Do you sometimes feel that your thoughts are VERY bound up together and that you “can’t think straight”??
I have a technique I use that I call “unraveling”. You can use it to unravel something you currently find your self “snarled up in” or to unravel some old story that won’t let you go.
Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the center. On the left hand side write down a fear thought that is coming up around your situation. It is the fear thoughts that get us tied up in knots. After you write down the fear thought, go to the right side of the paper and write down the thought they you would LIKE to be thinking about this situation…….a “higher” thought.
For example:
I will always be broke I love finding all the abundance
in my life every day!
Money is always such a struggle for me……As I relax, I have more
and more ideas that could
generate an income
…….and so on. You will find that it will feel good to name the fears AND then to feel the power in your turn-arounds. After you have several, keep your attention on the turn-arounds as much as you can. It will feel SO much better. And remember, what you focus on expands!
Happy unraveling! Let me know how your exercise goes! Blessings to all, melanie
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