This book was brought back into my awareness in the last few weeks. Deepak Chopra and David Simon always have great things to share and so I am going to use this as my theme for the next few weeks.
I will start with Day 6 since this blog comes out on Friday.
Fridays Law is this: Detachment. To understand what this means and to activate it into your life they suggest 3 intentions. 1. Practice detachment (of course, since this is the Law, I guess we should practice it:) 2. Embrace uncertainty 3. Surrender to the field of pure potentiality. ( That sounds like a pretty big assignment.)
OK, so what does this all mean.
Lets, start with #1. Practice detachment.
- Dropping into the deeper silence
I have written about detachment before so let’s see what Deepak and David have to say about this. Could they possibly add anything onto my own brilliance:)?
“In order to acquire something in this life, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to fulfill your desire-you just give up your attachment to the outcome.”
Why would this be helpful? To give up your desired outcome in order to have what you want? Sounds a bit paradoxical.
If you look at the energetics, this will make sense.
When you want something, really want something, are you able remain calm, relaxed and at ease? Are you able to go on about your life taking care of business, enjoying your current life with ease and confidence? Do you get really excited when you spend time thinking about your desire or dream without feeling angst or discouragement that it is not already here?
If you do, GREAT!! I would say that you are able to live within this Law. You state your desire/dream and then you relax as you allow it to come to you. You live in joy and confidence, taking the steps that you need to take to continue to move towards your dream. But you do it with finesse and in trust.
CONGRATULATIONS if this is you!
Or do you identify with this scenario? You have a dream, a desire. You begin to think about it and your mind takes you to every reason why that could never happen for you. You remind yourself that you have not had the training, do not have the money, do not have the looks, the charm, etc……… attract your dream into reality.
So now you have this dream but every time you think of it, you feel your lack and the distance you are from ever having that which you desire. You are attached to the outcome and you really do not have the trust or faith that it could be yours. This type of energy will actually push your dream away from you.
How do we have the desire/dream, get excited about it and maintain a high vibration?
That is why they say, “Practice detachment”.
Practice letting go of what you think the outcome should look like. Can you just get excited about the desire/dream? Just that? Without going too far down the road……..notice how far down the road you can go before your energy drops and you move into the hopelessness. Don’t go that far. You have not built enough emotional strength to travel that far yet, but keep practicing. Drop into the dream/ desire just for a few seconds here and there throughout the day and allow yourself to feel the joy and gradually expand your ability to hold the energy of your dream. Don’t get attached to even how long this process will take you!
#2. Embrace uncertainty.
Embrace uncertainty? Who wants to do that! I want to KNOW I get to have what I want, when I want it!!! These Spiritual Laws are too much work!
Embrace uncertainty…….be OK with not knowing. What do we really know anyway? Can you awaken to the mystery of each day? To be open to what life brings you? To know that somehow even this uncertainty t is part of your intention/dream/desire. You may not be able to see where it fits at this point but can you trust that somehow it is important for your journey.
#3. Surrender to the field of pure potentiality.
Just another small request. Deepak says this, ” The field of pure potentiality is the realm of knowledge, intuition, balance, harmony and bliss.” In order to access this field we must “drop into the silence”, become a “witness” to your own thoughts and actions and practice “non judgement”. From this place we have access to everything.
There you have it! This deep work and the practice of a lifetime. But today is a microcosm our life……..and there is no better time to start then this present moment.
Let me know your thoughts and experiences as you take on this practice. And remember that every Friday, you can tune back into this particular law to deepen into it! Blessings on this cold, February evening! melaniej
P.S. Another blog relating to the idea of surrender:
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