I am feeling the pull of the seasons. I am feeling the pull of fall. I am already feeling myself turning inward. I am already feeling myself turning away from my gardens and wondering where I will put that focus and energy in the days of darkness. The days when I so anticipated getting outdoors and doing my outdoor work is declining. I am doing some fall work. Making spaghetti sauce out of those over abundant tomatoes. Making up batches of pesto to enjoy until next summer. Cooking up apples for apples sauce and apple crisp. Thinking of that morning when I will enjoy my fireplace again. Fall things.
- Striped hummingbird, been loving my flowers! Getting filled up for the cold months……
I wonder what people do when they live somewhere where there is no change? Does your energy stay invested in your gardens year round because there is the heat and sun? There are activities that I let go of when Spring arrives telling myself there will be time for that in the Winter and vice avers. I think I would miss that. As much as I love my gardens I know that I begin to look forward to the change.
The seasons provide opportunities to begin again. I like that. And we do it very naturally. It’s in our bones.
What if you added some conscious thought about how you wanted to use the energy of this time? There is a gentle whispering in your ear………can you hear it? Pay attention.
Every winter I take on some sort of study. I have time to dive in deeper and I am not pulled by the lovely sun and blue sky.
Spend some time in the quiet. See what you notice. See what brings some excitement to your spirit. Let it be creative. Let it be something out of the norm for you. And most of all have fun with it!
Things fall away and other things come to life…………that is the way.
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