Hello lovely ones! Today I am thinking about and feeling the energy of appreciation. When I was working with my teachers, Paul and Layne Cutright, they often said that people are so HUNGRY for appreciation…….that we can never get to much. Being appreciated FEELS so good. Even if we are good at filling our own cups, it feels good to be appreciated by another human.
I think that it starts with being able to appreciate ourselves. In EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) we say the phrase over and over, “I deeply love and accept myself”. It is a phrase that some students have a difficult time saying at first and we have to soften it to “as I learn to love and accept myself” or “if I could, I would choose to love and accept myself”. It is the “default” statement after voicing the “problem”….”Even though I have blamed myself for ……… I now deeply love and accept myself.”
In this way we begin to fill our own cup. There are many ways to fill our own cups and that is important. When we can begin to take care of some of our own needs we do not bring the energy of neediness into another relationship. We can learn to ask for more of what we need. We can eat well, exercise, find time to take care of ourselves. We can find ways to bring more pleasure into our lives…….Many ways for us to express to ourselves our own appreciation.
But there is a time and place to give and receive appreciation. How many times do you think about something that you deeply appreciate about someone or admire and you do not share that with them? We can be shy and hesitant about giving appreciation as well as receiving it.
Try this. 1. Write down 5 things that you admire and appreciate about yourself. Really try to feel the appreciation and admiration that you deserve.
2. If you want to take it up a notch, look into a mirror and say these things with love to yourself. This can certainly feel AWKWARD at first but it is a powerful exercise.
3. Make a list of 5 people that you admire or appreciate and share those feelings and thoughts with them. Face to face is excellent but sometimes that is not possible…….a letter, an e-mail.
4. Let the gift of appreciation become a way of life for you. It will feel good to express yourself in this way and it will feel good to the recipient.
We have SO much to appreciate……especially in the full on beauty of nature we have outside these days.
I appreciate each of YOU. I also appreciate it when you leave me a comment! Much love and many blessings, Melanie
When I see one of your newsletters pop up in my e-mail, I know I am in for a thought-provoking treat. I take a few deep breaths, calm myself a bit, then open the e-mail to see what you are sharing. I really enjoyed your message about appreciation. While I tend to live in gratitude and often send snail mail cards and notes to people, I realize I can do even more, AND I can start appreciating myself. Last night on Channel 2 Christianne Northrup talked about expressing our needs and the need to feel appreciated is HUGE, just as you mentioned. Thank you for sharing your wisdom once again!
Thanks Mel for your sharing:) I went to a couple of workshops recently and both had material (the questions) from Byron Katie that we’ve worked with in your classes. How cool to see we’re connected and on the same page:) I start Ruttgers tomorrow- woohoo! I’ll be back already for the weekend to pick up some of the big stuff to help make the place personally me. Peace, Love, Joy!
yes, many people are tuned into really questioning their thoughts and beliefs……it is going to really shift us into a new level of consciousness as more and more people are “cleaning up” their thought processes……good luck tomorrow!! I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your summer! M