If we could only bottle this weather up for January and February!! I am trying to get out on the trail with Lizzie every day that I possibly can. That little 2 1/2 pound Chihauhau walked FIVE miles the other day!! She was happy as a lark, sniffing and prancing along……..she is something.
As the weather cools off, the days become shorter, we all have more time inside our homes. What are you going to do with this “extra time”? Are you going to choose something to study these fall/winter months? Are you going to develop some of your artistic talents? Are you going to read more from that list of books that you have? Are you planning on spending time making some great meals? Are you going to find time to sit on your meditation cushion? Are you going to find time for more fellowship with friends? Are you going to learn how to knit or quilt?
How are you going to spend these extra hours that we find ourselves with in the dark months?
Spend some time reflecting on this question. Our time is a precious commodity. Living consciously is making choices consciously. We give up just living by default. Our lives become richer when we live life in this conscious manner. We can awaken in the morning excited about all of the joys that day will bring us because of our conscious choices.
I have started to play piano again the last few days. I tend to play very little in the summer months. It feels good to see what my fingers remember and fun to have things to work on. I am committed to spending some time each day practicing my beloved piano during the dark months. It is a lovely way to spend some time in the evenings………and Lizzie loves to sit on my lap even when I am pounding on the keyboard:)
So what are you going to bring into your life during these months that you can enjoy? I would love to hear!
Blessings to you all. I need to go and practice:)
… it’s funny you said that before class, because I was, in fact, going to comment this morning! I hope to start painting again this winter. Thanks for the encouragement & great teaching!
I’ll be quilting…I have several tempting projects to stitch up…