We lead very busy lives these days, and our attention is pulled in so many directions. It is so easy to walk through our lives absolutely asleep. This lack of awareness and the tendency to put the computer of our minds on auto-drive, helps create life situations that are not pleasant, not beautiful.
For the most part our programming is set to sabotage us at every turn, to whisper things in our head that are not life supportive. Why is this? Well, our domestication has taught us to create drama, to blame others, to avoid taking responsibility, to always ask others for advice, to depend on others rather than ourselves, to trust others other than ourselves and to project everything our mind tells us onto everyone else. When we are surrounded by others that are programmed the exact same way, it is challenging to get out of these types of behavior and thinking patterns.
That is where the retreats and journeys enter into the picture! By leaving your dream of drama and entering into the point of view, the dream of the group leader’s life, you get to experience life in a totally different way to see with different eyes.
You get to imagine what life could be like if you let go of your point of view, your way of processing your life (taken from a blog of , Dr Sheri Rosenthal)
Dear Students,
The words above clearly point out valid reasons to give ourselves the time to attend a retreat……….The word “retreat” invites many wonderful visions and thoughts, often followed by “but I couldn’t take the time, spend the money on myself………etc.”
Women, especially, have an easier time spending money and giving of their time to others than to themselves. I know this has been true for me.
But there comes a time when it IS our time!
If you feel that now is YOUR time, that you NEED some quiet time, that you are at a CROSSROADS in your life, that you have some things to SORT or you just CRAVE some peace and harmony………….please take a look at my attached flyer on the fall retreat.
It is coming up SOON! October 28, 29, 30……….
I only have room for 6 women so contact me soon to save your spot! I look forward to hearing from you! melanie
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