When I used to play a lot of piano, I would have to memorize 14 pages of music. In performance perhaps I would miss 1 or 2 notes, probably not even noticed by the listener………but what would I obsess about?? The hundreds of notes I played correctly or the notes I missed? You know the answer. You have probably had the same experience. We seem to enjoy torturing ourselves:)
Here is the flip side. You have a beginning meditation or yoga practice. We complete our practice and rather than notice the small subtle improvements we focus on the all that we did not or could do YET! Again, we seem to enjoy torturing ourselves:)
Pema Chodron, a Buddhist spiritual teacher, talks about the committment of the spiritual path. 5 steps forward, 5 steps back. 5 steps forward, 5 steps back. 5 steps forward, 5 steps back………..and this goes on for about 2 years. THEN perhaps it will be 5 steps forward, 4 1/2 steps back…….and on and on. And so we begin to see that this is a LIFE long practice and we can relax in that.
I have written blogs around “where is your attention”. This is more of that. We can feel more successful when we strive to just improve 1/2 % or 1% each day. Where can we see or find our subtle improvement? How can we find evidence of that? It is easier to focus on the 99% and then gather information around that. “See my life NEVER improves”. “I’ll NEVER have the abundance, love, vitality, career etc. that I am working towards”.
What are your intentions? Have you sat quietly with yourself to see what it is that you truly desire? Have you written it out? “I intend to learn forearm balance”. “I intend to reach my tipping point in my business” “I intend to run the Mankato Marathon in the fall”……….whatever it is, WRITE it down. That puts a powerful message out to the Universe. “I intend to create a relaxed, nurturing lifestyle for myself”.
Once we create our intentions begin to look for the 1% evidence everyday that they are beginning to manifest. Focus on what IS beginning to materialize. Did you make a new business contact today? Were you able to hold Warrior II for an extra 2 counts today? Did you cook and eat healthfully all day?
Keep looking for the evidence of your successes even though they may be very small. Even baby steps will cover a mile over time. Know that even though there may not be OUTWARD success each day, something very small but very sure is changing internally and there will be that moment where it becomes perceptible! Then we just continue on in whatever practice we are undertaking.
What do I want to create? What is my inspired action? Where is the 1% evidence that I am moving towards that which I desire?
Look with eagle eyes. Remember the books “where is waldo?” Begin to look in this way. Where is the good “hidden” in my day? The more you find, the easier it will be to find.
We are well and getting weller. Life is good and getting gooder:) Look for the evidence in THAT today. Is it easy? Not always. But does it FEEL better?? Yes.
Much love and light! melaniej
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