Sarah M
It’s been over 25 years since I began working with Melanie. She has helped me enhance my life in numerous ways; not because Melanie improved things but because she has taught, led and encouraged me to grow. Let me be clear, this is a loving and caring situation where encouragement is dished out along with expert knowledge about how to practice and achieve peace. Having done both individual and group work with Melanie, I know this is how she works with all of her clients. With Melanie’s assistance, I continue to learn and achieve personal growth I never thought possible. Aha, but it is! I have never once felt judged or evaluated; only supported and loved. I have worked with Melanie in the fields of Reiki, Chakras, Yoga, EFT, beliefs and good old friendship! Sarah M
Maria Gomez Tierney
Melanie is a warm and generous guide into the field of Reiki. Her teachings have transformed my life!
Shelly Lurth
When the student is ready the teacher will appear. And so it is and so she did. I have taken all of Mel’s classes as well as being one of her two-year mentorship people. She has supported me on my journey to inner peace. She has given me the tools to cope with life’s upsets. Learning several ways to deal with things has helped turn everyday life into a learning adventure.
Mel is not only my mentor, teacher and healer she is my friend. I would recommend her involvement in your life for she is wise, loving and compassionate. She has so much to offer and gives in a way everyone can benefit from. Her presence is a blessing.
Randy Pyzick
Melanie’s 30 day ‘Self-Love’ course consistently brought thoughts to my mind. Questions which provoked different perspectives. The meditations/tappings are specific to the topic. This was relaxing, releasing and educational.
The advantage of this course was: Daily Classes, each day presented something New to work on. This helped bring these practices into daily life. I continue to revisit the course material because the topic is what I need right now.
Simply Powerful.
Jessica Rockswold
Melanie’s is a gifted teacher with deep experience and although making life changes can be overwhelming, her guidance and practical tools make the task more reasonable and enjoyable. Melanie’s teachings have brought me a greater sense of power and responsibility in my life. I feel at peace knowing that whatever comes my way, I have the tools to move through it on my own. The information and tools in this course can be useful to anyone seeking a greater sense of awareness and power in his/her own life. In Melanie’s classes, what you put in, you always get back tenfold.
Nicole Reich
I am uncovering a more confident me. I had slipped into a sort of mother hood-induced torpor, where I had forgotten to take care of myself, and forgotten even, to be curious about better ways to take care of my family. I was focused on such a tiny speck of life, I felt alone and u unsupported. i am waking up now. My work with Melanie has taught me that I am not alone-life loves me! And that however slowly I uncover my confident self, it is oi. One of the most miraculous things that she taught me was that I only need to be 1% better than yesterday. 1% !!! That blew my mind.
In many ways, it is what a t first glance seem the smallest of ideas that have made the greatest impact on me. I believe that this is because Melanie speaks with Truth. For example, I have heard and read many times, “just do a little at a time”, “just start and the rest will follow”. Uh, ok. But the job is too large! WHERE do I begin?? I did too little, it is not enough, I ca’t ever finish this, I am not good enough to do this, etc. And so one might think that Melanie’s teaching of the idea of doing 1% would not be too earth shattering-and yet because I feel innately that what she teaches is simply Truth, this idea is something that has really changed the way i feel about myself and my life.”……..”It is hard work but so much easier to do with the support of Melanie. One of the great things about working this way with Melanie is her beautiful melding of the practical and the spiritual. As I said before, you can feel that she is connected to Spirit and that her teachings are guided by this. But she has no judgment, only love and laughter, and a genuine calling to pass on what she has learned.
Barbara Young
I have to say between you and Mona my personal and physical growth has deepened and grown in ways I would never have imagined! Life is not only GOOD… is absolutely wonderful! Thank you for being such an integral part of my life! (Barbara Young,participant in the 7-week Chakra Class, Reiki I and II, 7-month mentorship and attends yoga at Sun Moon Yoga Studios in Mankato, MN.)
(THE following is about the 7-week chakra tele-seminar. This student had also taken a weekend intensive of the chakras and is seeing the benefit of really diving in and doing the 7-week class! The class material is powerful whether in person or via a tele-conference!)
Thanks again for all the discussion last night on the throat chakra. I did some of the homework items after class, and it paid off. I had a difficult conversation with a co-worker today (that was a long time coming, but sparked by an event today) and I felt free to stand my ground and voice my concerns in a calm and reasonable way. I did not just swallow my irritation.
Before this occurred, I saw two other co-workers in the break room and practiced really listening like we talked about in class. It was great. Felt good to have the heart energy open with them (they are pretty positive people with interesting life stories) and it helped to support my later, more difficult discussion. Interestingly, I picked out a yellow sweater this morning and paired it with a turquoise necklace. Tuning in really helped.
Working through each chakra with time to absorb & apply the teachings have been really powerful. Thanks again for sharing your gifts with us!
Abbi Simonson
Melanie is my mentor and my spiritual teacher. She teaches me the keys to discovering my deepest desires. She guides me through outside influences that may distract me from really achieving true life purpose. I came to Melanie to find peace within my soul. She has shown me ways to achieve fulfillment, trust within a higher power, and to listen to my inner voice.
Melanie is a unique rare gift – she will teach you how to release your energies and strengthen the qualities within. Melanie is a warrior – she is spiritually focused, accessible, trustworthy, and loyal – she helps you see what is already there.
Dr. Carolyn R. O’Grady
I have taken several classes with Melanie, and each time I learn something that helps deepen my own spiritual practice. She is an empathetic teacher who not only guides her students but participates in the learning with them. When I feel most out of balance I turn to Melanie for a Reiki session. The experience always feels peaceful, even though I know powerful energetic forces are at work.
Mary Stori, CMT, RM
Through the years I have taken many of Melanie’s classes and had numerous private sessions with her. I have completed all levels of Reiki training, including Reiki Master training from Melanie. I must say, my personal life is richer and my business is more successful largely because of the wonderful training, skills, and insight I’ve received from Melanie. She is truly a gifted teacher!
Melanie does a great job of creating a collaborative learning environment! The sense of community and reflection that I have found in her classes is sustaining, especially when my life goes into overdrive.
I am always happy to be with Mel, either in meditative silence or playful conversation.
Laurel Anderson
Today, after my run and a shower, I spent an hour (plus) with my beautiful friend, mentor and therapist, Mel. Everyone needs a “Mel” in their life—unconditional, non-judgmental, respectful, thoughtful, gracious, responsible…
Throughout my life, talk-therapy assisted me in making sense of my world. Eventually, however, I needed a different pathway for being grounded, staying ‘connected,’ becoming self-aware, and progressing forward. Melanie Williams offers that (and more) to her clients. I love my time with this woman. I am a better ‘me’ because she shares her talents and insights. Today, I am grateful for her and her magic. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Wendy Rockswold, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master
Meeting Melanie seven years ago was a once in a lifetime blessing that has dramatically changed me for the better. She has helped me understand myself and how I can live my life with more joy and passion. Melanie is an amazingly gifted teacher on so many levels. I will forever be grateful to her.
With the energy Melanie holds for her students and clients, we are able to safely explore, discover, and release that which is holding us back from our full potential.
If you are feeling stuck, and interested in experiencing more joy and peace in your life, Melanie will definitely provide you with an opportunity to empower yourself. Whether it is one on one or in a group situation, Melanie’s energy and the work you do under her guidance is life-changing!
Mona Ceniceros
Melanie’s courses improve my quality of life. Her teachings provide a direct way of guiding me to connect life experiences and beliefs to my daily actions. Once I can identify what’s causing my behavior through limiting beliefs, she provides helpful tools in changing my beliefs and I am able to bring more joy and peace into my everyday living. ~ MONA CENICEROS, Owner Sun Moon Yoga
Gary Rockswold
Meeting Melanie was a defining moment in my life! Through her caring, non-judgmental personality and teachings, she has been a guiding force, empowering me to speak my truth and to “come home” to my authentic self.
Sue Prosser
I have attended 8 months of my Mentorship Program with Melanie Williams, and have about 5 or 6 months to go before program completion. I don’t want it to end. I look so forward to class every other week, and my internal work on personal growth continues each and everyday in between.
When the class was recommended by a friend, I had to just go on blind faith that she knew me well enough to know what was a “FIT” for me. I am looking forward to life again after a long period of unhappiness. I have a passion for my work, my personal life, and my future. The support from the small consistent group in class is AMAZING. If you are serious about moving your life forward … take this class. It will foster the most gentle spirit of forgiveness for the old habits and programming that our past has grounded in our psyche. And more importantly, teach you the tools for letting go of past pain. Even my worst days now, are better than my best days a few years ago.
Sue G.
It is amazing how the Universe orchestrates a person’s life. I came to Melanie’s Mentorship class after several years in counseling with three professional / licensed counselors over a period of 21 years. I learned something from all of them — each was a stepping stone to the next — and yet I knew there was a deeper place in me that I had not been able to access. Melanie has taken me there.
Through the tools I have learned from Melanie, I finally am able to understand why I feel the way I do and how my mind works. She teaches what she knows. She is gentle and purposeful; her eyes are filled with love and sympathy. My husband agrees that Melanie’s Mentorship class has helped me the most. I have experienced the shift in my reality (life) and hope to continue uncovering the hidden truth of who I am under her guidance. For now, she is the mentor for whom I have been searching.
Sharon Ross, CRS, CRB ABR
Melanie came into my life at just the right time. We had private Reiki sessions for several months. Melanie’s insight & energy is something special. I will always remember how she shared her love with me at a time when I needed someone. She is an inspiration to many souls – may God bless you in your work and in your life, Melanie!
Kim Cummings
The time in my life that I met Melanie she was my lifesaver. She gave me the tools and a practice to pull me through a very hard and grievous time. She gave me compassion, love and helped me grow into a strong independent woman. Melanie changed my life and open me up to new experiences. The classes she offers, workshops she gives, and the healing she provided me helped make me the person I am today. I love her with all my heart and soul.
Jill Peters
I highly recommend the Daily Email Support option that Melanie offers. Having Mel’s guidance and support helped me shake the sense of “stuck”-ness and overwhelm that I was feeling while going through a difficult time. I came to Mel with ideas for self-inquiry and self-improvment but without the consistent motivation and inner strength and confidence to make progress. The structure of the daily check-in helped me stay focused on my goals and on my difficult issues and avoid distractions and excuses. Mel not only provided specific strategies for coping with my issues but also provided insights about and perspectives on deeper issues that were not clear to me. I have benefited from her guidance and support and am sure that I would not have made as much progress without her help. I feel lucky to have found Mel!
Ashley Srp
It’s hard to find the words to describe the void that has been filled within me from working with Melanie during my spiritual mentorship. I consider her support, wisdom, and guidance during my major life transition as truly one of my life’s greatest blessings. She never told me how I “should” feel, what I “should” think, or where I “should” go – instead she offered gentle but profound insight and tools to help me find my own internal guidance. She helped to reveal patterns and cycles that needed to be dealt with and released in order to grow and move forward in so many areas of my life.
I always looked forward to her meditations, tapping scripts, blogs, and of course absolutely loved the one on one meetings with her – it still amazes me how her material was so spot on each week to what I was going through.
I have gained clarity on my beliefs, trust in life and trust in myself, and feel so deeply rooted and comfortable in my own being and my place in this world. I feel a deep sense of peace and security knowing that when life shifts, changes, and moves as it does that I have clarity and tools on how to flow with it. I will forever have such deep gratitude and love for Melanie and her gifts to this world.
Kay Puttock, PHD, RYT
I’ve known Melanie for a number of years in different capacities–yoga teacher, reiki teacher, spiritual adviser (chakras), and general confidante and friend. She is definitely an exceptional person–one with great spiritual, inter-personal and intellectual gifts. And she has great physical gifts as a yoga teacher!
Jessica Roemhildt
I can’t get enough of Melanie and her work! I have taken Reiki 1 and 2, her chakra class twice, her mentorship, privates, and her New Years class. My favorite is the chakras. I enjoy the focused attention spent for the week of each of the 7 chakras. Can’t explain it properly… it is just something you have to experience for yourself. All of her classes are life-changing… sometimes small and other times extreme! It is wonderful! I am always growing and changing, therefore I do like to repeat classes I have taken. I always get something new to take each time.
Liz Phelps
You have played such a HUGE role in guiding me to this place and my heart overflows with love for you and for all you do for this world. I so sincerely believe that all of our shouting and rhetoric about making the world a better place does nothing but make other people shout louder in opposition. But, what you’re doing? That IS making the world a better place. Wow! You are a life changer, a peacemaker, a beautiful point of light. You help people understand they can be that same thing for others.
Jessica Rockswold
Doing my gratitude [practice] tonight and just feeling SO MUCH gratitude for YOU. Which is not unusual. But I just so realize that having you in my life gives me so much inner confidence in so many ways, from remembering everything you’ve taught me, to having your enthusiastic help with whatever I’m working on, to just having a beautiful friend to enjoy time and laugh with. So THANK YOU for being just exactly who you are – I am forever grateful I get to have you in my life!
Jen True
I started EFT with Melanie Williams in 2015. We had one on one session every 2 weeks to help with the grief of losing my brother. Little did I know it would help with so much more. In 2016 she told me she thought I had things under control and could do it on my own. She’s an expert in EFT and her goal is to help you and not keep you coming back! If anyone is dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, false beliefs, fear….anything holding you back, contact Melanie Williams. You will certainly miss this awesome woman once you stop your one-on-one sessions! I can’t thank you enough Melanie! ~ JEN TRUE, Owner True Real Estate