"We are never upset for the reason that we think we are.' Paul and Layne Cutright We get so lost being angry in the present that most of us never find the ROOT of the pain and anger. Without finding the root we will keep spinning. It is like …
Meeting Yourself Where You Are At…..
Meeting yourself where you are at..... How often do you find yourself pushing against, "what is"? I think there is an epidemic of impatience in the US. Maybe it is international but I certainly see it and experience it here. We are like 2 year …
Learning To Read Your Energy
As I have learned about the idea that everything is 'energy' life is easier to sort out. When an opportunity comes up I can take it inside and see how it would "feel". Do I get a light, buoyant feeling? Do I have a sense of excitement, …
Staying True to My Heart (which turned into Riding the Wave)
Do you navigate your way through life through your head or your heart? Do you use your head in business and your heart at home? Or some other combination? Do you think one has value over the other? This is what I want you to pay attention to this …
What Am I Committed To?
The last couple weeks we have been looking at the fears that surface when we think about "moving forward". In order to move forward, we have to commit to something so today I want us to reflect on "what am I committed to". We are all committed to …
I Am Ready To Move Forward In My Life….continuing this reflection
I don't know about you , but I am still working on this statement. Not every day but it keeps pulling me back. It is easy to gloss over things and not really get to the heart of it. But then our lives will reflect that.... So this morning when …