Stand steady. It feels good to just read those words, does it not?
Stand steady. Step into Warrior II…….. strong, solid, confident, focus, grounded, gaze steady. Breathe.
Stand steady. Where do you need to stand steady? Where do you need to find your grounding? Where do you need to find your legs solid and strong as you stand in your life? Where is your gaze? Where is the your attention.
Stand steady. Read those words and let them sink into your soul. Feel the strength of those two words. Let them fuel you with courage and strength and confidence.
Stand steady. Gaze fearlessly forward. You have spent enough time looking behind. Stand strong in the present moment. Stand confident in what life will bring to your door.
Stand steady, dear ones, stand steady. All is truly well.
Know your strength. Know your value. Know your vision. Know your dream. Know your deepest hearts desire and stand steady, heart open, moving through the fire, the wind, the storm into the calm waters.
Stand steady. Stand steady. Stand steady.
You can do it. You have done it. You are doing it.
Stand steady.
Take charge.
Step into the life that is waiting for you.
Stand steady.
Thanks Mel this was the perfect thing to wake up to today.
great! i wrote it for myself as well:)
Perfect for me, too! My mantra for today, “Stand Steady.” Thank you.
Perfect! (Isn’t everything?) 8 more hours to go with a 10 hour yoga workshop this weekend and “stand steady” is now my mantra as I move through the new challenges! Beautifully written; thank you. P.S. I’ll be fueled by my fabulous breakfast of champions – pear and avocado!!!
Pear and avocado….the new super breakfast!! Have a great weekend!