I would guess that you are reading this becauseyou are interested in self growth. Self help books and movements took a lot of flack when they first started coming out but that didn’t stop us from reading them. And read them we did!. The human spirit was ready. Ready and hungry for deeper connection ……with self, others and the Divine and the “self help revolution” was born!
Now we have thousands of books and programs to help us move inward and forward in our lives in ways that bring us greater levels of health, peace, abundance and connection. We can do our own self inquiry, we can read things on line……….but the power of connecting in circle with other like minded seekers is potent. And that is what I offer you here. Please read on to see what I have for you through December. Print this off to keep these in your mind. I will be sending numerous e-mails to fill these classes so again like public radio, the sooner the classes are filled the sooner my e-mails will stop filling your in box!!
1. Sun Moon Yoga Study! Starting October 16th-18th
For those who have been studying yoga for some time and want to take their own practice UP a notch.
Mona brings in great presenters to add to the diversity and great training you will get
You will have a 200 hour yoga certification at the end of it. It is 8 weekends starting on October 16th-18th
I teach several workshops on these hours including a weekend intensive on the chakras.
I also rent space in my home for participants of this event which is great fun for us all. I will send information and photos by request.
2. EFT Basics ( Emotional Freedom Technique……http://www.eftuniverse.com/)
This is a powerful tool to clear STUCK emotional energy that keeps us spinning in old re-action mode. As long as we keep replaying old tapes we will continue to sabotage ourselves.
This is part of my 2 hour workshops series where I introduce you to practices and concepts that I expand on in some of my 6 week or mentorship classes.
EFT is a tool I use consistently for myself and my clients. I have experienced the powerful affects of this work in myself and with my students. I recommend this highly!!
Saturday, Sept. 10
11:30-1:30 pm
Sun Moon Yoga Studios, Mankato, MN
3. 5 Week EFT/Tapping Series (This is NOT dance:)
What are your everyday challenges? Weight? Finances? Career? Relationships? Health? To truly make life long changes we need to create a shift that will clear the OLD patterns that keep us where we currently are.
EFT is a tool that clears old thoughts and patterns and helps us truly CHANGE.
EFT is powerful in a group setting.
We will look at the needs of the group and “tap” each week to begin to clear these old habits of thought to make way for the new and improved YOU!
EFT WORKS! Don’t miss this great chance to learn a powerful technique.
Thursdays, starting Sept. 1st – 29th
7:00-8:30 pm
My home in Mankato, MN
Yoga student? Interested in spiritual development? Meditate? Have children? Stressed? Then Reiki is for you!
Reiki will teach you about the energy that exists everywhere. You will learn to work with your own energy in such an easy and pleasurable format. Reiki truly blisses people out! But the ease and deep relaxation brings is the tip of the iceberg. ANYONE can learn Reiki. It is lovely to watch couples take the class together. Children can learn Reiki. Truly anyone. People who choose to study Reiki will begin to see their lives moving forward in ways that would not have imagined. It is a bit magical to observe!
Start with Reiki I if your life needs a jumpstart of positive energy! Your family will benefit from your Reiki study!
September 24th 7:00-10:00 pm
September 25th 10:00-2:00 pm
Sun Moon Yoga Studios, Mankato, MN
5. 7 Week Chakra Study
This is a foundational class to take to help you understand who you are. You will gain a great deal of information each week to apply to the particular Chakra of the week. In this way you gain insight and tools of what is needed to heal and let go of the past and move forward with strength and confidence.
I recommend this class to ALL my students and clients. This is also a class that can be taken over and over because every year we are in a different place in our lives. The material is rich and alive. I require any student who wishes to join my mentorship to have taken this or the Beliefs Class taught in the winter. Set these dates aside now!
Thursdays, October 6- November 17
Sun Moon Yoga Studios, Mankato, Mn
6. Creating the Life You desire!
Another 2 hour workshop. Here we spend time looking at different areas of your life…….what is satisfying and fulfilling and where are you looking for more. I help you identify what it is you are looking for and give you several tools to begin to make the needed changes, internal and external to create that life!
Saturday, October 15
Sun Moon Yoga Studios, Mankato, MN
11:30-1:30 pm
6. The Practice of Gratitude
This was a new workshop I created last year after spending more time with this practice myself. The energy of gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving is so uplifting. There is no higher vibration than love and gratitude! To establish a practice of Gratitude is a way to attract blessings into every area of your life. What we focus on expands and as we give gratitude forALL that life brings to us, life continues to open with magical blessings.
Saturday, November 5
Sun Moon Yoga Studios, Mankato, MN
11:30-1:30 pm
http://melaniejwilliams.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/The-Practice-of-Gratitude-10.pdf (note the date is incorrect on the flyer)
7. Sound Healing
The last of the Monthly Workshop Series, the Sound Healing is purely experiential. This is held at my home where you will receive a healing from a variety of different instruments. I use drums, rattles, my singing bowl and more to activate and clear your energy fields! This is a very unique experience…….especially in Mankato, Mn!
My home
Sunday, December 11
6:30-8:00 pm
http://melaniejwilliams.com/classes/sound-healing/ (old date here also, correct is sunday, december 11)
That is IT……save dates for those events that resonate with you! If you have little time and money, look at the 2 hour workshops on Saturdays. If you want to delve deeper, check out the Reiki I class and the Chakra Workshop…….
I love working with all of you and look forward to meeting more that are awakening to their higher potential. It is truly such an exciting and enlivening adventure!!
Great love, Melanie
e-mail me at mjwilliams85@hotmail.com or call me at 507=345-3619 with questions or to sign up. you may register through my website with paypal.
Thank you for mentioning the upcoming Fall Yoga Study. Participants in the program are inspired and motivated by your workshops, which are open to everyone. I love how you’ve organized your offerings through December to flow with energy of seasons, sign me UP! Namaste, Mona