Dear fellow seekers…….I do not think that you would be reading this blog if you were not on a path of seeking. Seeking greater joy, seeking greater peace, seeking greater balance in your life, seeking deeper connection, seeking greater health…..we are seekers.
It seems such a contradiction. Seeking peace? It would seem that just the act of SEEKING would push peace away. How do we find peace when we are always seeking more? Once we found peace, would we stop seeking? CAN we be in peace while we are seeking greater vistas?
The creative impulse always desires to create more. Is it not a part of our spiritual evolution to want to grow forward? How do we have contact with these deep desires to create and evolve if not through our yearnings? Did Michaelangelo look at his finished sculture of David and say “THAT is what I have been seeking and yearning to create. I am complete. No more chipping away at hard stone anymore for me!” I doubt it.
It seems to me to be human is to seek. To seek out ways to express ourselves more fully, to seek out ways of experiencing more contentment, to seek a way to feel more connected and related to our lives and those around us…. HOWEVER!! Once we reach a certain plateau THEN we are in a position to see a whole NEW set of possibilities that we could not see from our previous vantage point! DARN IT!! We thought once we got HERE we would feel complete and whole and content! But now there are all of THESE possibilities to dream about…….
We are moving forward. Our seeking takes us forward. The trick is to figure what we are TRULY seeking. It is not really the chocolate or the latte…….nor the certain car or certain job. It is something much deeper than that.
It is spring. The earth is waking up. We are waking up. Spend some time figuring out what it is that you are TRULY seeking. Then let yourself enjoy the journey. Much love, melanie
This is just perfect! It’s exactly what the sermon at the Unitarian Universalist church was about last Sunday. As soon as we reach the top of the hill we are seeking, there are more hills and valleys to explore! So onward we walk and we are not alone.
Thanks for sharing your divine wisdom!
Love, Kristin