Dear students and clients,
Every now and then it is suddenly “time” to change some of the ways I offer my work to you. This is based on my own growth and what I observe over time with how I can most effectively work with you.At this point in time I find that I am mainly interested in working with “serious” students. By this, I mean people who are dedicated to their own personal development and are willing to devote THEIR time to the homework and daily practice it takes to make substantial gain in their life.Some things I have come to realize. I can help you on your journey much more efficiently and effortlessly if you take my basic classes…..they are the “7 week Chakra Class” in the fall and the 6 week class on “Beliefs” in the winter. You are introduced to many principles in these classes that help propel you forward. If you choose to have an occasional private session with me we then have a common “language” and can move forward quickly from there.If you are interested in taking it even further you would then enroll in my 7 month Spiritual Mentorship Program that begins in March.I will teach you skills to make big changes quickly
I can more effectively share a large amount of material with you through these group experiences.I also intend to book more “Focused Intensives”. This is setting up a 2 hour appointment for 5 consecutive days in clearing out a major block FAST!I am very excited at the progress that clients make in these 5 days.I would offer only one Intensive/week and that client will have precedence over other appointments.My goal is to empower YOU. I will teach you the skills and tools that you need to live lightly in your life. You will find the courage and and confidence to step up to the plate to live your authentic life………
With these considerations here is my pay fee going into affect on July 1, 2012:Privates: $75/hourFocused Intensives: 10/hrs over 5 days $700 ($70/hour )Package of 5 Private Sessions, used as desired: $325 ($65/hr)Package of 10 Private Sessions, used as desired: $600 ($60/hr)7 Month Spiritual Mentorship, Level I: $850 ($20/hr)6 and 7 week classes: $165 (@$13/hr)My desire for you is that you would gain most of what you need in my group work and would only need privates occasionally to “tune up” or to have me help you through an area you are stuck on.The Focused Intensives are for those READY to catapult through an issue that has been re-surfacing again and again for YEARS!So there you have it!I am inspired by those I work with and feel blessed by your presence in my life. I am grateful that my dharma has found me:) deep love, melanie
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