I wrote this blog in May of 2012 but have been talking about resistance again with my Member Site group and thought it would be beneficial to read again. Enjoy!!
I have been thinking a lot about the idea of “resistance” the last few days. As far as I can tell, we all deal with it. If we are lucky, we have a natural resistance to things that are not good for us but we can ALSO have a resistance to things that ARE good for us!
Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be at a higher level of fitness? Do you want to develop a meditation practice? If you want to do something, why haven’t you yet?
My Level I Mentorship Program spends 7 months in supporting my students in their developing a STRONG daily practice of self inquiry, growth and connection. I have found that it TAKES that long to break through the resistance for an individual to truly give them self that time. There are as many excuses as you can imagine to why someone cannot find time to focus on them self. You can probably relate. We can find time to play video games, watch movies, text endlessly, etc. but not find the 30 minutes to spend time with ourselves.
Anything that keeps us out of the flow of moving forward into our dreams and next level is some form of resistance. Resistance is clever. We have put it in place for a myriad of reasons. Perhaps when we put it in place it helped us feel safe. Now when we want to shift and move, alarms go off and say “not safe” “not safe” and so something pops us to “keep us in place” ………where we already are.
Of course, this occurs on the sub-conscious level.
Why would our psyche want to hold us back? Why would we not jump eagerly to the next level?
Fear. Fear that at THIS level we might not be enough. Fear that at this level “we might be found out”. Fear that at this level, we will have to work too hard. Fear that we could get overwhelmed…….on and on.
So there is a part of us that says, “You/we are SAFER if we just stay right here.” “I/we KNOW how to function HERE……we might not there.”
When we move into a new level of being, we can feel incredibly vulnerable and WANT to run back to that which we have known! Tooooo scary here in this new place!!
It is why people who lose weight, gain it back. It is why people who suddenly have a lot of money, often are back to where they began in a year’s time. It is why someone who has quit drinking, falls off the wagon.
The new place feels unknown. Who am I here? Do I deserve to be here? Do I know enough?
Eventually, as we take one day at a time and continue to BREATHE we begin to feel comfortable in this new place……….and if we went back to the old, IT would not feel comfortable.
There is a time where we do not feel comfortable in the new NOR do we feel comfortable in the old……we have to wait it out. If we keep doing our inner work, we will begin to match with where we are at in the new level.
So, where is your resistance? Where do you need to build your sense of deserving in order to move forward. This is on ANY level, body, mind or spirit.
We are so programmed into where we came from but we are also programmed to be constantly growing and evolving! It can feel like a tug of war for a period of time. Keep re-assuring yourself that you ARE that person to move forward. You ARE the person to have a better relationship, better job, better health……etc.
This is a very powerful subject. Do some journaling around your thoughts here. See where YOU are keeping yourself from moving forward from your own limiting beliefs.
I always love to hear from you!! Love and blessings to us all, melaniej
Mel, Thank you again for saying just what I need to hear. Resistance can be really strong, and the tug of war is so real. I
know I am “that person to move forward.” Now I need to keep working at it.