I realized that I did not write about the week #3 of our “Power of Intention” class. Sorry about that:)
On to week 4. This is one of my favorite principles in this process.
“Become aware of a needed shift that will evolve you into the alignment necessary to ALLOW the desire to come to you!”
I think that is cool:) Once I BECOME fully aligned with that which I desire, it will simply flow to me unimpeded by any resistant energy on my part.
Who would I be if I were standing in the center of my fulfilled intention?
What qualities would I have developed that would move me from here to there?
What fears or limiting beliefs will I have worked through or let go of in order to be there?
I may want to be an architect but there are skills and talents I would need to develop in order to stand in those shoes.
It is no different here.
Look back at the intention that you created in week one. Sometimes it is easier to think about it as a person looking inward. You could ask yourself, “what would this person that created this or is living this be like?” “What skills do they have.” “What have they had to let go of to get to this place.”
People often say they want to be a millionaire or to have an amazing relationship. What are they doing to become the kind of person that would know how to handle large sums of money? What skills are they developing to BE an amazing partner.
We have personal responsibility in growing ourselves INTO that which we want. We need to grow ourselves to the point of the fulfillment of our desire is the NEXT most natural thing to occur. THEN we know that we have done our inner work.
This week continue to ask yourself, “What do I need to let go of or move through to have my dream.” and “What do I need to develop or cultivate within myself to become the person that could live this dream.”
There you go! Have a lovely week………let me know if you are working with these ideas. melaniej
I realize to hold on to my center of intention, I recognize beyond my thinking and rationalize the anxious thoughts I am having. Knowing that “person” I want to be is giving her more time so she does not make haste, and begin to turn her actions and thoughts to that of disconnection (which turns into frustration and people-pleasing/approval).
I also don’t think so much about the different things I’m doing, and TO LET GO OF OLD ROUTINES. YAY! Thanks for sharing, Mel.