How many of you worked on setting up an intention last week?
I have found that many people will tell me they are not happy with some area of their life. But when I ask them what they would need to BE happy it is common to hear, “I don’t even know.”
Going back to the cosmic restaurant……..if we do not know what we want to order, how can the chef prepare us our meal. We MAY like what she prepares for us and we may not.
Check in with your “yearnings and desires”. What do you often hear yourself say out loud or quietly to yourself. “If I only owned my own business…..” “If I could only live by the ocean”. “I feel so centered when I am in the mountains”. “I love helping others” “I would love being able to work out of my own home.”
These yearnings and desires are not to be shut down but to be heeded. Our whole life is a big jigsaw puzzle. These deep feelings are clues to what would satisfy our soul. Just start making a list of them and see what picture they begin to paint.
You do not have to have a COMPLETE picture of what you want at the beginning. You can drop into your BODY and ask yourself, “what would it FEEL like if I were in my ideal job, relationship, body etc.” Begin to access the FEELING place of it.
If I had my ideal job my heart would feel expanded, soft, deeply grateful and present to the work at hand. I would feel strong, confident, my head up, knowing I was sharing my gifts with the world. I would feel aligned with my job and my talents.
How would it feel for you INSIDE your body to have your intention fulfilled OR how would you WANT to feel if you knew what your intention was? It is ok either way. The point being to begin to create the feelings NOW. It is the feelings that make us magnetic to that which we desire. Our feelings create a certain frequency which radiates OUT from us. We then “attract” those things that match this emotional frequency and it looks and FEELS like magic is happening when things start to come in!
So play around in your inner terrain. Get into the FEELINGS, the body sensations. Instead of just visualizing that which you want, you now add FEELING and how it would look and taste and smell! Get all the senses involved.
It may be easier to know how you want to FEEL than it is to know exactly what you want. As you practice this feeling place, you will begin to “grow muscles” there and find it easier and easier to stay there. Just 17 seconds of staying there will make a difference over time when it is repeated again and again.
So have fun with tip number two! Let me know where you are at with all of this……many blessings and have fun figuring out your jigsaw puzzle!! melanie
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