How committed are you to your own personal growth? We are interested in growing our careers and our bank accounts but what about our own development? Do you put as much time in your emotional/spiritual development as you do on your physical fitness?
We are all born with great potential. As Marianne Williamson says “it is not our dark but our light that we are afraid of.” I see that in myself at times and I certainly see that in people around me.
What if you committed some part of every day (or more days than not) at really looking at your life. Where you are at, where you want to be and what keeps you from moving forward. If you began to identify your limiting thoughts and beliefs that keep you where you are at. What if you really began to challenge yourself at self defeating patterns whether than just say, “oh, that’s just how I am”.
We have so much possibility to develop not only our gifts and talents but to heal the places from where we re-act or shut down. I have always found it a fascinating journey to become a better version of me and that is what propels me forward.
My classes support your growth and evolution. My work is extremely practical. I teach you many tools and show you ways to “clear” the old ways of re-acting or shutting down. It is a process. It does not happen over night………and there is always more. More joy, greater peace, more creativity to tap into as we heal these deeper levels within ourselves.
Don’t settle for less. Know that you can have more joy, more harmony, more peace…….more.
But you need to be willing to show up and look at your life square in the face and move through what life demands of you. Then you can begin to show up differently……for yourself and the people in your life.
Slow down. Enjoy this time of connection with family and friends. Everything will get done that is really important.
Blessings, Melanie
Thanks for reminding me. Slowing down really does work, and everything does get done. Gifts are bought and wrapped, and I enjoyed doing it.