Last week I wrote about “I am so busy…..”, I did my EFT Tapping Class this week around “overwhelm”. This seems to be common theme. Too busy, too much to do and feeling anxious and overwhelmed.
The material I teach supports the idea that we c0-create our own world. It supports the idea of personal responsibility, consciousness and mindfulness. It supports making clear choices that move us towards the life that we desire. Making a clear choice requires us to be awake and to realize that we have the option and power to make choices.
We often think that our current state (whatever it may be) is just how it is. We believe that that is our lot, that is the hand we have been dealt. We assume that if we have “a lot” of things to get done, that that is automatically aligned with the energy of overwhelm. And we often are convinced that we have to do X amount each day for whatever reason.
What you may not have been aware of is that your feeling of overwhelm is a bit of a pattern. Perhaps even an addiction. Maybe you have the belief that you really can’t even get anything done if you don’t have a deadline pressing up against you. Until you really feel “leaned on” you won’t be able to accomplish what you believe you need to accomplish.
- Time to take a break!!
This is actually pretty radical thinking. What I don’t have to fill my day from dawn to dusk with “doing”? I don’t have to enroll my kids in every event or they will have a lousy life? I don’t have to fill every waking moment with “something” to do. I don’t have to………..fill in the blank.
We can get so caught up in the “doing”, the keeping up with whatever is currently going on in our society that we don’t take time to reflect on what is really important in our lives and then make choices based on that.
I met a woman yesterday that told me she had worked 10-12 hour days for years constantly on the go (and wearing 3 and 4 inch heels, nontheless) and she had “loved it”. Obviously her body did not love it so much as she is now unable to work, has put on many pounds and has severe back pain. She didn’t seem to be able to put together the picture of how unbalanced and overwhelmed her body and system was. It had to literally break down. I hope she gets the lesson.
When we ignore the signs (that do start out as a feather’s touch), the heat will get turned up. And if we ignore it there, the heat will get hotter. Something will give to get us back on track.
Our energy systems seem to have a “self regulating device” wired into them. It will tolerate imbalance here and there but if we continue it for a long period of time and ignore the signs, it will get our attention and do what it needs to to try and put us back on track. Hopefully we catch on before we get to out of balance.
We have some vague understanding about this. If we get a cold, we need to drink more fluids, get more vitamin C in our body and rest a bit more. If we don’t slow down we may get even sicker.
But there are things we just push through again and again and again. We often know it but we keep pushing it aside and trying to rationalize why we are doing what we are doing……….
Hopefully you lead a very healthy balanced life. Hopefully, you enjoy the life you have. Hopefully, you base your choices that support what is important to you in your life.
Take a look. You will know immediately at a gut level if there is something you need to address. Sometimes a big change is needed and sometimes it is just a tweaking that will move things back on track.
Life is precious. We need to take care of ourselves because we are responsible for ourselves.
Drop some things, take a break, allow yourself to breathe……… deserve it. Much love and many blessings! melaniej
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