Happy New Year! Does 2010 find you in a time of change? Do you feel a bit ungrounded and confused because of this change?? OR are you in a place in a relationship where you feel “stuck”? You want more intimacy, connection and communication but do not know how to get to a deeper level? If you are experiencing either of these situations then please READ ON!
I am very excited about the two new classes that i am launching this week.
Class number 1……….”Transitions” will help you look at what is going on at a deeper level within your situation and to help you find a firmer footing again. This journey is divided into 6 sections:
1. Naming the transition….what it REALLY is
2. Finding your power
3. Finding the GIFTS in the transition
4.What do I really WANT-stirrings of the soul
5. Reframing your story
6. Forgiveness
Class number two………Relationships live in language. Unfortunately most of us do not have the communication skills needed to truly express ourselves easily and honestly. We tend to blame, shut down or move into a myriad of other self defeating behaviors when we feel emotionally challenged. This eventually dulls the love and intimacy we felt early in the relationship.
Heart to Heart Talks are 4 “exercises” that provide a safe structure to regain connection, intimacy and honesty. We start out very gently and move into more challenging conversation once safety is established with our partners. The 4 “talks” are; Nurturing, Discovery, Affirming and Clearing. I am SOO excited to begin to share this information with you!
Transitions begins THIS monday evening, January11, and runs for 6 weeks. Time is 5:30-7:30 at my home. Cost is $135 if you pay upfront for all 6 classes OR $75 if you pay for the first three only. contact me with questions
Heart to Heart Talks will begin this THURSDAY, my home, January 14th at 6:30-8:00 pm……it also runs 6 weeks and cost is $99/PERSON
I have slots for 2 more couples to join the Heart to Heart Talks.
This is a GREAT time of year to do this kind of work! Please listen to the nudgings of your heart…..it will guide you well.
great love, Melanie
You go girl! These classes are bound to fill! Who doesn’t need this stuff?