We are forever thinking, “If I could just lose 10 pounds, I would be happy.” “If I just had a different boss, I would be happy.” “If I just had that job I could really move forward in life.” “If I just had that guy/girl in my life, I would be content.” “If my child would just be more focused, I would feel like a good parent.” On and on and on…….
As Gilda Radner on SNL used to say, “It’s always something!”
- It’s always something!!
We have all lived a certain number of years. We may have experienced moments when everything felt completely aligned but most of the time there are those “things” that we wish were not there. That is life!
And yet we seem to have constant amnesia! We keep thinking if we do this or that, that life will feel perfect!
What if we could make friends with the life that we do have?
What if we could make friends with ourselves, just as we are now?
How would we do that? Instead of judging what we think should be a certain way, we would get curious about it. We would get curious about why we feel a certain way. We would get curious about why we choose one thing over another. We would get curious about what is showing up or not showing up in our life.
We would not run away from what we label “bad” but we would get curious about. We would have compassion for ourselves and try to see it from many different angles rather than the one boring old story we have made up and told ourselves over and over and over…..and that makes us feel bad!
We would embrace the whole of our lives. We would not run away from those places that feel uncomfortable. We would stay open to witness and feel the hurt, the pain and the disappointment. But then when the joy, the peace and the laughter comes in we would equally be open to that as well.
We seem to have decided, “I will allow this part of my life in but not this.” And we stand with our arms over our chest in a strong stance (or hiding in our bed) and we say NO.
But that IS a part of our life as well!!! And the more we choose to stay closed to it the louder the experience or that part of us needs to speak to get our attention.
Can we come out of battle mode or running away mode and just meet ourselves where we are at and where our life is at. Can we soften, get curious and open? Can we be willing to explore all the aspects of ourselves.
Life is providing us with everything that we need to heal a wounded aspect of ourselves. Life is providing all the opportunities for joy and strength. But we need to make friends with what is in front of us to find our way through.
Byron Katie authored a book called “Loving What Is.” The more we can accept everything as it is in the here and now, the better we feel and the more we are able to see and feel the silver linings.
This is our challenge. If we are stuck somewhere, if we cannot accept something about our self or our life, well then, this is where our work is. This is where you put your attention to let go or let in. This is what you open to in your meditation. This is what you dedicate your yoga practice to. This is where you put your focus in your Daily Practice………
How can you say “YES” to your life? To however it is showing up today? Where can you let go of being the victim, playing the “poor me” song?
Each day we have an opportunity to practice these new skills, this new awareness. Even a small shift can make a difference.
Let me know your thoughts and experiences! Much love, melaniej
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