How many times have you said this or heard someone else say it in the past week or so? Law of Attraction: “What I say, I attract.”
Every time I or you say, “I am so busy!!” The Universe says, “Ok, she wants to be busy, your wish is our command.”
What!!!! How many times a day, do I affirm EXACTLY what I DO NOT WANT!!!
If you are “hip” you probably even set your intentions for the day………but then the rest of the day, focus on your worry, your doubt…….looking for all the evidence and waiting for the other shoe to drop! It just can’t be that EASY!
These are other words to look for “It’s hard.” “It is such a struggle.” “It is such a challenge.” And that is exactly what will be delivered!
There is everything plus more available to us “out there” and what we put our attention on, we will find.
- I have all the Time I want and need………..
What do you want to find? To feel? To experience? More peace? Then create it inside yourself! LOOK for it in the external world and name it. I can hear you saying, “But there is so much turmoil and chaos.” But the assignment is to look for that which you want. You can give the other a nod, if you want. Give it 1% of your attention or even 2% but perhaps you have been giving it more like 50-90% attention.
And then you will say, “But there ARE terrible things happening in the world, am I supposed to ignore them?” If you notice something you do not like, does it get better by continuing to say how bad it is? Things get better when we begin to open our minds to possibility and solution and take action from THERE.
The Abraham teachings say, “Don’t put your focus on what you see but on what you WANT to see.”
Begin to observe yourself. How many times a day does your mind drift to the worry, to the things you do not like in your life, to the worst possible scenario? Our minds are like untrained puppies and we need to keep putting ourselves back on track again and again and again.
I can feel my mind want to resist and slide back into my negative thoughts at times. There is such a familiarity there……..comfortable in the discomfort.
So do you enjoy being super busy all the time? Then by all means continue to say, “Wow, I am SOOOO busy!” And you will find all the evidence that you indeed are busy! If you want to have more down time begin to affirm, “I have all the time I want and need.” As you continue to affirm this, you may notice yourself simplifying your life. Saying no where you always said yes………and in time you will definitely feel that you do have all the time you want and desire!
This week look at what you are saying over and over. Is it life supportive and affirming and moving you in the direction you desire to be traveling……..or not?
When you feel yourself really dig in your heels and say, “But life IS this way………you see it everywhere!!” Well, if millions and millions of people have been agreeing on something for a very long time, then, yes, you will certainly find plenty of evidence to support it.
Maybe we are the ones to begin the shift of long standing “truths” that are not helpful nor forward moving……….
Let me know your thoughts…….much love! Here is to balanced, healthy thoughts! THIS is preventative medicine:) mj
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