Mornin’ lovelies! It is about 2 hours earlier than I am usually writing my post but once sweet Wes is up I am easily distracted!
Yesterday I talked about the importance of doing something different to get ourselves out of a low vibration. One of the students commented that just acknowledging what it was that was pulling her down, helped her to shift it.
This is the value of our DP once again! We can often have vague feelings of discomfort but may not even know exactly where it is coming from. Once we sit down and do some self inquiry, we can uncover what is at the source of it. From there we can make necessary changes or do some Reiki or EFT, etc. You all should have several tools to work with by now.
So a couple of questions for you this AM. What are some of your ‘go to’ ways to raise your vibe? It may even be a good idea to make a list and tuck it into the back of your journal or someplace accessible. When we are in a low place, it is difficult to even THINK about what could help us. Share a couple of your favorites with the group.
Secondly, what are some of the tools you now have in your tool box? Many of you have worked with me for some time and have MANY! It would be good also to make a list. I sometimes pull something out I have not used for some time. Like using the “List for the Universe”, or the “Rocket of Desire”, or the “FOcus Ladder”, or Byron Katie’s “the Work”. The list goes on! Maybe I will put together a list next week of all the tools I have and do some teachings around them. Many of you were not in the Mentor Groups…….
These tools help us when obstacles show up.
Ok! Much love! Maggie will be doing 3 massages today so Wes and I will have lots of fun play time! See you here tomorrow!
My favorite “tool” when I am in a funk due to anxiety is to use the Clearing Process tool from a More to Life weekend I attended. Basically, you write down the thoughts you are having… an example for me was when 8 years ago my first grandchild was born weighing 1 lb 2 oz (very premature). I wrote down all the thoughts about this.. her probably not surviving, how it would affect my daughter and SIL , etc. And, then… you evaluate each thought by labeling it TRUE, FALSE or DON”T KNOW… any False or Don’t knows.. you ..let them go.. That helps me a lot. (Oh, by the way that granddaughter beat all the odds -very small chance of even surviving with severe diabilities – by not only surviving, but thriving, she is now 8 glorious years old. We got a BIG miracle). Your situation can be relationship situation, job stress, money matters, anything that leaves you with a not so good feeling. It has been invaluable as a tool for me (along with EFT and just breath work).
Namaste Mel! Our connection goes back almost 45 years now.. I would love to connect with you (in the flesh) someday! Bless Your Journey
Debb Sather