As you many of you may know, I am hosting a “Women’s Spiritual Retreat” at my home next weekend, March 4, 5,6. As I was out walking this morning I was thinking about the word “retreat”.
“Retreat” in the sense of what will be occuring at my home will be a chance to “withdraw” or “pull away” from normal life, from the usual busyness and distractions of life to go inward. It will provide time for deeper reflection that will be supported by the practices I will set in place for you and the group intentions. Hopefully everyone will return home with greater clarity, calm, motivation and inspiration to move forward in their lives with greater alignment to their deeper desires.
This type of “retreat” is deeply powerful and a gift to the healing and evolving of our selves.
Many people, however, are doing the opposite. They are “retreating” (pulling away, withdrawing) from their authentic selves on a daily basis. Instead of “retreating” from the voices of the outer world to go inward, they are “retreating” from the quiet, inner voice and going outward. This leads to a feeling of discontent, cynacism, frustration, restlessness………
Which direction do you need to go? If you need greater clarity, calm, peace, understanding, direction……….retreat inward. Once you have retreated inward, you will have the guidance to move outward in a way that will bring fulfillment and satisfaction into your life.
If you find yourself “retreating” from deeper inquiry and reflection, I would encourage you to ask yourself “what am I afraid I will find if I go inward?”
A spiritual practice gives us “retreat” time every day. A time to go inward to check in. “How am I doing today?” “What am I feeling?” “What are my intentions?” “Do I feel like I am moving the right direction in my life?” A time to just sit and be in the silence with our most constant companion, ourself.
I look forward each morning to my own retreat time when I sit quietly with my own thoughts and with my guidance. Reading a few words of a chosen book to reflect on, spending time thinking about my intentions, journaling, doing some clearing work…….whatever I choose to do each morning. It sets my heart and mind in a clear direction and my day unfolds from there forward.
I enjoy helping you all find ways to develop and deepen into your own spiritual practices. I have a wide variety of ways to do that……please check out all my classes, workshops and mentorships. I also do private sessions, personally or by phone.
Please take a small retreat for yourself. Maybe right now or maybe later. You will feel right with your world when you do.
Deep love and blessings to all those who read my words. As always, I appreciate you sharing them by clicking on any of the buttons below to send them out into the ethers to your friends! Melanie
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