Happy 4th of July everyone!
The 4th of July is celebrated to acknowledge our country’s independence, freedom from outside rule.
Freedom. Such a precious commodity. We are so fortunate that we have so many incredible freedom’s in this country and I am grateful for them. I have done a lot of traveling outside the US and have experienced being in areas that were being stopped at “retens” ( a police roadblock) before entering or leaving towns with armed soldiers questioning you, poking through your things.
I have been in towns/cities where there were armed soldiers (sometimes more boys than men) standing on street corners.
- May freedom ring!!
On one hand you could interpret this as being protected and feeling safe. But they were not the emotions evoked within me. It made me nervous.
Freedom. I think the bottom line in all areas of our lives is the desire to feel free. Free in our bodies. Freedom in our relationships. Free from debt. Financial freedom. Freedom to come and go as we please. And so on……
As I have worked with myself and students over the years, I have come to see this again and again. The clearing tool that I use, EFT, stands for “Emotional Freedom Technique”. It is a tool that takes the “charge” out of upsetting emotions so we begin to gain greater freedom (peace) in our emotional life.
Once we release some of the layers of suppressed emotions, we actually begin to have new, fresh thoughts enter in.
Perhaps this is the most powerful place to find freedom. Through our thoughts. If I find freedom in my thoughts around my body, my relationships, my finances or work………..and the emotions follow these thoughts of ease and peace…….is there anything deeper I am seeking?
It takes a bit of detective work to find what we really want.
For example, you may say “I want to lose 10 pounds” or “I want to earn $75000/year” or “I want to own my own company”. I would then ask you, “What would that feel like?” “What would it feel like if you had the body you wanted, the money you wanted, the business you wanted”?
Try this yourself. Close your eyes and ask your self these questions. What do I want? If I had this how would I feel?
Don’t just stop at “I would be happy then.”
There will be many answers but keep sinking in deeper and deeper and see what else you can find. As you quietly sit and keep gently asking yourself “how would this feel?” your body will show you.
Usually at the end of it, there is an expanded, light filled “space” in the body and a sense of “freedom”.
And so all along, we are seeking just that, freedom.
The next question is, “Can I find a way to have that in my life NOW?” The more we experience internally, the more we will attract it externally….
Have a lovely 4th! Blessings and love, melaniej
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