Everything is energy. The first time I heard this I was a Junior at Augustana College. I do not remember the name of the class or the theme of the class. I remember watching some Charlie Chaplin clips in one of the classes and then this phrase at another time, “everything is energy”. ( I know, very random memories:) He talked about the chair that we were sitting on as having “energy”. That rocks, although they appear solid, are really just energy. I had a very difficult time wrapping my brain around that thought!
I do not pretend to understand it completely at this point in my life but life actually makes a LOT more sense now viewing things as “energetic”.
We all speak about our experiences based on the “energy” of the experience. We always have. We just didn’t have the awareness that what we were responding to was the “energy”. Quantum physics speaks deeply to this and we would have to invite my good friend, Gary Rockswold, to elaborate on that aspect. I speak to it more from a place of “feeling”.
Some of you reading this have already spent a lot of time studying and exploring energy. This is a newer idea to others of you…….the study, the EXPERIENCE of energy is limitless and ever changing. It is subtle yet powerful.
The ancient yogis designed poses “asanas” to accentuate the flow of energy in a certain manner. They had enough experience in meditation that they had opened themselves up to be able to FEEL the chi, the prana, the life force that is ALWAYS flowing through us. There it is, a river of subtle energy, flowing through us at all times, but most of us are completely unaware of it! The alignment of poses in yoga is not just about the asesthetic appeal……it looks good……but to place the body in a way that the ENERGY can flow freely. With the energy flow comes healing and opening. The energy that was locked or pooled in a joint or a corner of an organ is internally massaged and “freed”. As the “dead” energy or toxic energy is released, NEW fresh energy can flow in. No wonder we feel so great after a yoga class!
We effect our energy in many, many ways. A walk in nature, gardening, what we eat, how we eat, what we think, who we hang out with, how we care for our bodies………on and on.
I call myself an “energy worker”. I work with energy in a variety of ways. Reiki, meditation, EFT, yoga are the main areas that I work with directly for myself and with my students. As I said above, however, EVERYTHING that we do and think affects our energy.
Begin today to think about what “feeds” your energy in a positive manner. Think about what may deplete it. Make a committment to do more of what “feeds” you and less at what “depletes” you.
There is much more to share about this topic and I may speak more on this area next week.
I am teaching a level I Reiki class Sept. 23, 24th at Sun Moon Yoga Studios here in Mankato, MN. If you are intrigued with learning more about energy and how to work with YOUR energy, contact me. I still have some space in this class. http://melaniejwilliams.com/classes-and-mentorships/reiki-classes/
May your day be filled with a beautiful flow of heart centered energy today~ Blessings, Melanie
Good stuff and great writing. I appreciated being reminded of some things I already know, but hadn’t thought about lately. Thank you!
thanks, pauli! i always love finding a comment:)