I hope you enjoyed reading about the Law of Detachment last week. I am using “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga” by Deepak Chopra and David Simon as a jumping off place over the next few weeks.
I started on Day 6 last week as that is the Law he suggests to practice on Friday, the day you receive my blog in your email
Today we will continue onto day 7: The Law of Dharma
- Steve Jobs certainly found and lived his dharma!!
This law states that each person on the planet has a purpose to be expressed. A need in the world around us will align with the gift that we have to share……….a win/win.
It is quite wonderful to know that no one is left out of this law. You have special gifts and talents that the world is waiting for, that the world needs! We are each so unique that only I can express my unique gifts and talents the way that I can and only you can express your own unique gifts and talents the way that you do. When we truly understand this, we realize there is never any need for jealousy or competition. I can learn from and support you to rise to your highest potential and I can open to receive your support as I rise to my highest potential. There is a need and a space for each of us………even if we are in the same business. It is as though we are each a part of a beautiful mosaic. You cannot take my spot any more than I can take yours……..
3 Components:
1. Discover your higher Self, the part of you that longs to express it’s own unique gift to the world.
2. Honor and acknowledge and express your own innate gifts and talents, small or large. Make a list of the things that bring joy to you and to others. When you are in the flow of your dharma, you easily lose track of time. Life flows easily and effortlessly. Your dharma will bring you deep joy and satisfaction in the expression of it.
3. Serving others. The thing that we love to do and that is easily expressed through us becomes our dharma when we use it to be of service in the world. Your mantra is “How can I serve? ” ” How can I help?”
I have worked with many people over the years that are searching for their purpose. We have an innate need to make a difference in the world and when we feel that we are just filling space and not really contributing in any real way, it feels painful. We want to make a difference.
I also see people looking outside of who they already are and being baffled at what there dharma might be. As if it were a grand secret being hidden from them.
I have often said that if I had been meant to be a musician, I would not be able to not play music in some form or fashion. Whether it were at church, the coffee shops etc. I would have to play or sing as it would be life itself.
The same would be true if my dharma was to be an artist, an architect etc………our dharma is already a part of us. We don’t have to go looking for it! We may just need to find a form or vehicle through which it can be expressed into the world…….and we may need to build the confidence and belief within ourselves.
Another aspect to keep in mind is this. It may or may not be the thing that pays your bills.
You may love to bake, cook and entertain. You may take it to a high level and open your own cafe, coffee shop or restaurant. Or you may just share your gifts and talents with your family and friends and that is fully satisfying.
Only you can know if where you are taking your gifts is enough. Do you go to bed feeling satisfied with how you expressed yourself in this day? Do you consistently feel frustrated because you have gifts that you want to share but have not figured out how to do that yet? Are you working at a job that is dulling and numbing you out? Do you long to be expressing yourself in your work in a way that feels more aligned with your passion?
Discovering and expressing your dharma is deeply fulfilling………….I am available to support you on this journey. blessings, melaniej
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