Oh, I love the sound of this Law! Less effort? Who would not embrace that idea!
And no, you did not miss my blog last week. I did not write one……..so I am on it this week and starting it on Tuesday AM so I will have it ready for you and sent by Thursday! In fact, this is how I create my blog with least effort. Start a couple days early so I have the luxury to enjoy the process….
Deepak begins his teaching with us looking at nature’s intelligence. The rhythm and balance, the ebb and the flow. There is a perfection in the imperfection. Nature teaches us, if we take the time to pay attention. We cannot force anything to occur in nature without inflicting damage. We cannot force a flower to bloom nor hurry a butterfly out of its cocoon. We must sit back, relax and practice the Law of Least Effort and allow things to unfold in their own rhythm and timing. If we do not, we will suffer from impatience and disappointment. We may also deplete ourselves in pushing too hard.
What is “least effort” will look different in each moment. There is a time for effort but effort within the flow. Consider the birth of a child. The mother is encouraged to relax and breathe deeply as the body is readying itself to bring a new life out into the world. The body preparing to birth this child into the world is an amazing process. And certainly there is effort involved……. tremendous effort. But even here, the woman is encouraged to ride with the waves of the contractions, to use her breath to encourage the baby to exit his cozy womb. If she does not know how to ride the waves of her breath and the rhythm of the contractions she will find herself in disharmony with the process.
“Timing and finesse” is what we are looking for here. We often default to the belief that we just have to put our shoulder to the wind and forge on. Is this really true or necessary? This Law would have us rethink this approach.
As we continue to find deeper connections to our inner heart/soul directives, we are guided to the path of Least Effort.
As you find the places where you experience resistance in your own life, pause, take a breath. Lean in…….slightly. Enough to feel it a bit, like a good stretch but not stretching to the point of injury. Notice where the resistance is but do not bull doze your way through it. That is a way but that is not practicing this Law. Notice where the resistance comes in and go within to see where you can “lean in”.
Or maybe you need to “lean back”. To move away from the point of resistance to find some clarity, to allow your body, mind or spirit some reprieve, rest or healing.
Often we have to do some exploration to see what to do next when there is resistance. The one sure thing is, we need to do something different than what we have been doing.
As always, Deepak offers 3 steps to help us work with this Law.
1.Practice acceptance. Accept what is in the moment. “Every moment in your life is the consequence of every prior choice you have made. ” Accept what is and commit to make more conscious choices from here on out.
2. Accept responsibility. “Take responsibility for the challenge you are facing.” “Remember every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.” The more we push against “what is” the more we will suffer.
3. Be defenseless. “Do not waste your life energy defending your point of view or attempting to convince others.” Remain open.
The Way is not easy for our ego driven minds. But when we begin to weave these laws into our lives, life will begin to feel kinder and more simple.
My best to you! See where you can take it easy this week!, where you can back off a bit………..just see how it feels.
Much love, melaniej
An added bonus!!
This tune popped into my head when I was thinking of “Turn Turn Turn”
Just for fun and to take you back a few years……….what a great sound the Zombies had!!!
Ahh!! This is exactly what I needed today! I woke up feeling a bit guilty about something I’ve stopped pushing so hard on…but this is just that little bit of energy I needed to see this through in a more effortless way. Thanks Mel for your thoughts!
I am always so happy when my words provide inspiration or hope for someone else. Thanks so much for letting me know this, Jess!!