Deepak has laid out these Laws to be practiced throughout the week. This is the Law to focus on Tuesday.
I often ask students if it is easier for them to give or to receive. A common response ( I work mainly with women) is “”it is easier to give”. As women we are wired to give, to nourish and to care for others. Whether it is our tiny newborn, our friends, our co-workers or our partner. We can forget that this is an equation……the Law of Giving AND Receiving.
Deepak had a great example that I will share with you. Right now, take a long deep inhale. Keep inhaling as long as you can and then hold it. When you can bear it no longer, begin to exhale. Exhale completely and don’t allow yourself to take that automatic inhale. When you cannot bear it any longer, take the next inhale.
- Inhale, Exhale
Yes. This becomes extremely uncomfortable in mind and body. What a great way to experience the value of giving and receiving. We can not just receive endlessly (the inhale) or exhale endlessly (the exhale)……….there is a balance. We inhale and then automatically we exhale. The balance of life. This shows up everywhere in nature. The sun comes up, the sun goes down. The moon comes up, the moon goes down. The tide comes in, the tide goes out………on and on.
There is another piece in this. Remember the last time you did something “nice” for someone….an unexpected gift, compliment or service of some type? Remember how great it felt when you saw the look on their face or when you received a call of gratitude? It feels so good to give. If you cannot “receive” we thwart the joy it gives the giver!
Giving and Receiving are natural partners………like peanut butter and jelly, chocolate and caramel, the sun and the moon or the desert and the cactus. In order to have balance in our life we need both.
Suggestions to practice and develop this Law:
1. Practice breath awareness. If you begin to feel anxious in the day simply bring your attention to the breath. Consciously focus on the inhale and the exhale. Notice the balance between the two. If you stay with it long enough you will find your anxiety calming.
2. Cultivate gratitude. We are surrounded by an amazing life each and every day. The miracle of our bodies, our minds, of nature…… goes on and on. We give gratitude and we open to receive gratitude from those that appreciate us. We notice that we have unique and special gifts that others appreciate and we notice that each individual is special and has unique gifts. The world functions each day on the giving and receiving between all beings on the earth in a complex web. Deepak says it this way, ” The impulse to give flows naturally from the experience of gratitude.”
3. Acknowledge your needs. As we listen to the needs of our bodies and hearts and honor their desires we feel well loved and cared for. When we care deeply for ourselves our desire to love and care for others flows easily. We have a full cup.
As with every Law, you can use this as a “practice” this week. Make it a practice to give from your heart this week as you move through your day. Be open to receive the gifts that come to you each day. In small ways or large. The smile of a child. The blue sky and a bird on the wire. A call from a friend……….
Living our life with intention and focus brings a sense of fulfillment and joy to our days. It gives our minds and spirit something grander to focus on than the petty grievances we experience in a day.
Thank you for reading my blog. If it speaks to you and you enjoy it, please leave a comment or pass it on! Much love, melaniej
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