Confusion. We have all felt it. Been frustrated by it. Felt stuck in a spot because of it. Not able to see that next step or afraid that it may not be the right choice.
Sometimes we are confused but sometimes we do know the next step but have not yet found the courage to make it. So we pretend we are still confused. It is important to sort out if this is true for you in your situation. Then attention can be turned towards building the courage to take the next step rather than pretending that you are confused. That is not authentic and will lead to garbled energy.
- surrender to the confusion
But sometimes we truly are still in the state of confusion. We can view that as a negative place to be but it does not have to be viewed in that light.
Confusion is just the place that exists between not knowing and knowing. It is a step between where we are at and where we want to get to. We may have a goal or a heart felt desire that we feel deep inside. But that is all we have at this moment. We simply can’t see how to get from here to there.
Sometimes change begins with just a deep internal feeling of, “it is time for a change.” You may have nothing more than that but it is strong. You feel restless, bored, perhaps a bit agitated. That which was fulfilling at one point now leaves you feeling a bit empty. You are ready for a change.
What do you do at this point? Often we get ourselves quite agitated when we do not know immediately the next step to take. But perhaps the next step is not there for us to take yet. Perhaps we have some “growth” to undergo before we can move forward.
Once you realize that confusion is just part of the journey, you can relax and just rest in the question until your next step shows up.
This beautiful quote by Rainer Maria Rilke sums it all up:
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
Make friends with your confusion. Your questions and your desires. Let them sit peacefully in your heart until the moment arrives that you are ready for the answer.
Peace and Love
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