Each one of us is a book. Some of us may even be a series:) If we were to look back at our lives we would be able to see pretty clearly where each chapter or book started and ended.
When a chapter or book is completing, we FEEL it. Something that we once had great interest or passion for has begun to diminish and a new interest begins to come in. Each chapter seems to include a letting go of something at the ending and a stepping into or amping up something in the new.
When the chapter is on the completion cycle we begin to feel bored or restless with that very thing that used to invigorate and inspire us.
It is a very natural cycle. We go through many in our lives. If we are alive and awake and engaged there will be more. If we shut down and ignore them there will be less……but we will certainly not be fulfilled or growing.
This is true of relationships, jobs, locations, hobbies, spiritual direction etc.
I have always seen this quite clearly and found the courage to follow it. It may have taken a bit of time but I found that if I tried to convince myself to just keep following the same path I became more and more uncomfortable in it.
I worked as a massage therapist for about 11 years. I LOVED it when I started and would take my table anywhere that I was able to do massage.
But as a decade approached, I found my interest in it waning and my calling and love for Reiki awakening. My new chapter was revealing itself to me. I began doing Reiki here in Mankato and would go back to Arlington on Mondays to still do some massage for a few months but then I could not even do that anymore. I was done. My soul was very ready to have me move on to this new work.
In the last few years my work has morphed once again. I started my spiritual mentorship work and Reiki started to fade. There was a bit of a resurgence for me in the last year but I have made a clear decision in the last 2 weeks that I will no longer be giving private Reiki sessions. My energy and passion is clearly with my supporting people in their deep personal growth work using the other skills I have developed.
I will continue teaching Reiki for the time being. Who knows what the future will bring? I certainly do not. I just follow the energy.
Where are you ready to wind down in your life? Where is a new chapter just WAITING to be born? You do know. It shows itself so clearly in our energy and passion of what is in our lives. If we do not pay attention, we pay the price.
I have always been richly supported in my movement forward. It is our personal evolution to follow this inner guidance that takes us forward to our next best place to be. Do not look back. Feel the truth of what is speaking to you and step out in confidence! It is a huge relief to do so and your new life will then BLOSSOM! We must let go of the old to receive the new……..once you make the decision, it will be easy:)
My love to you………..melanie
Its like you know exactly what my heart is seeking. Now I just need the direction to know where I am going and HOW!!
Thank you for your pearls of wisdom.
These wise words come at the perfect time!. Big changes are coming and I feel myself moving forward. Excitement is in the air!