Do you default to something positive about yourself or something negative? I would guess that most of you will nod that the negative comes through easier than the positive.
What if you just decided to make a change with that. Like NOW. What if whenever you started to think something negative about yourself you just shook your head and said “nope, not going there!” And let yourself go to something you feel GOOD about yourself. What if it were that simple?

As we know, simple is not always easy. But I encourage you to START there!! Start with making a commitment to yourself. “I now am committed to honoring myself and finding the good in myself.”
This is NOT to be come narcissistic. When we have good self esteem we can also still be compassionate and kind. We just don’t have to always feel so badly about who we are, what we did or did not do. Living from that negative place is exhausting and painful.
So notice when your thoughts begin to take you down that track. It could be about your body, what you did or did not accomplish, what you want to do with your time, anything. What if you decided to be as kind to yourself as you are to your dearest friends and loved ones? What would happen inside of you?
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