What a question! Why would ANYONE be committed to struggle? We all are seeking peace and joy aren’t we? Look around at your life. Are you enjoying peace and joy? If you are then you are committed to peace and joy. How do you know? Because that is what is showing up in your life.
When you look around, perhaps what you see is chaos and struggle. Maybe not ALL the time but enough of the time to make you weary. And you say, “But no! I AM committed to peace and harmony. How can this be?? How can I be creating this when all I want is peace and harmony?? This is NOT COMFORTABLE!!!!
Or is it?
On some level we are always working something out or getting something out of ANYTHING that we are living in. As a responsible human being we have to look inside ourself to discover what that is.
Often it is a pattern from our childhood. We can be caught as the “chaos creator” or the person trying to “keep the chaos at bay”…….the dance. A lot of emotional energy and a lot of anguish left in the wake.
Any pattern that we become conscious of, we can begin to move out of with consciousness. We can “graduate” and not have to continue to play this pattern out over and over. We first have to identify the pattern.
I use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) with myself and with my students and clients to help us make these shifts. This is such an easy and powerful practice. EFT helps clear our vision and reduce the charge that continues to put us back into these patterns. As we make new choices from this place, the old dramas and chaos begin to fall away. We will no longer attract people in with chaos running in their fields because it will not “fit” with us any longer. We are now aligned with peace and joy:)
We never have to stay stuck in self-defeating habits and patterns. There are ways to shift and change with committed and focused effort. I witness it all the time.
Something to think about……….blessings, Melanie
OK then- that explains a lot. Knowing that I was the peace keeper in the family not liking chaos I see through my relationships that role is continued so much so as to pick people with chaos thinking that I could make a difference in their life.
Committed to struggle reminds me of my dad and his idea life isn’t easy, you have to earn your way etc…. I happen to know better with the people, classes and experiences.
“I release struggle and choose to be in the flow”