This week we will be looking at the Center of Sight….Ajna or the sixth chakra. Ajna is located a bit above and between your 2 eyes. It is often called the 3rd eye. This chakra is involved with both our physical eyes and our internal vision. Our ability to see beyond what is being presented. Just as we develop our ability to hear beyond that which is being said we can develop our ability to see beyond what is being presented.
Our physical eyes are amazing. We take in huge amounts of information through our eyes each day. Most of it we don’t even pay attention to. Once we develop the ability to see beyond the physical world the information is more easily deciphered and interpreted.
Let’s try something. Close your eyes and simply say ‘ajna”. If that word has no meaning to you, say 3rd eye or inner sight. Bring your awareness to the area between your two eyes. You may begin to notice a little tingling or a sense of aliveness.
Repeat your word or phrase a few times to deepen the experience. Allow your body to be heavy and still.
Nothing to do. Just be with the experience of becoming aware of this energy center.
Once you feel very centered and you have a sense of this place, you may pose a question of something you want more insight around. Simply ask, “What is a deeper insight around this situation? ” or “What is my next step in this situation?”
Because you have higher vision from this center, you will be able to tap into greater insight from this center. You will find a “higher” solution, a more enduring solution when you seek information from this center.
Just be open to experiment. There is no exact right or wrong way. Catch yourself when you say, “I don’t know” and take it to your Center of Sight and see what kind of inner wisdom you can gather……….
Much love! melaniej
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