All day long we are doing this, that or the other thing. Some of it is just the every dayness of life….we take a shower, brush our teeth, make our coffee or tea, get dressed for the day, etc. It is our routine and routine’s give our life a foundation and act to ground us. It feels good to have a certain amount of life that is predictable.
If ALL of our days are predictable, however, we can start to feel a bit flat, bored, stagnant.
When we do the same things over and over we are taking action. But it can just be because it is the same action that we took the day before. What if we knew how to get in touch with a larger part of ourselves and tap into “inspired action”.
Inspired action takes us into living a life more in alignment with what we REALLY want. It helps us jump over the gap from where we are to where we want to be. Uninspired action keeps us in the same groove.
So how does one find inspired action?
I find it through sitting quietly and asking questions. I have done the work to know WHAT I want and can see the gap between that place and where I want to get to. So I would ask, “What do I need to develop inside of me to move that direction?” “What do I need to let go of?” or simply, ” I do not know how to get to where I want to be but I trust that I will know at the perfect moment.”
And then I wait to feel or hear or sense my guidance. I know when it is “inspired” because I will feel a lot of energy to “do” what it is I am guided to do.
Life lived this way is so much easier! I find that I do less and less of what I “should” do and check more and more into what “feels” good. And in that way, more falls into place with ease and flow. Rather than having to make 10 phonecalls, one phone call will accomplish what needs to be done.
Where in your life do you feel you need inspired action? Where are you feeling stuck or confused? Find some quiet time, put out your questions and trust that the answer IS on the way. I have written before that it is more about coming up with the right QUESTION. What question do you want the universe to answer? If we say “how will this EVER work out??” in a dismal, dreary energy……..that same energy will be mirrored back to us. It is the Law of Attraction. If however, we say, “How could this situation be even easier and sweeter?” and we are filled with curiosity, then it creates an opening for “well, let’s SHOW her how it could be easier and sweeter!!”
It feels better and more FUN to ask in this way. Inspired action also feels BETTER and easier than “I SHOULD” take this action.
Let me know what inspired action you came up with this next week!! Love to each of you:) melanie
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