I wrote a blog on this topic awhile ago and when I was reflecting on what to write on today this popped into my mind.
This last week 2 of my Mentorship Programs started up again. In one of them we are studying the Law of Attraction. One of the tips that the students are working with this week is “ask more questions.”
There are different ways to ask questions. We can offer up the “why me???” question over and over or the “what did I do to deserve this?” question as well. Neither one has ever gotten me anywhere but feeling MORE sorry for myself.
From the Law Of Attraction theory, that would make sense. If I am FEELING sorry for myself or feeling pity for myself, I am putting out that vibe. And what I put out will be returned to me! OUCH!
So if I am in a difficult spot and want to change what I draw back to myself, I need a different angle…….or a different way of asking a question.
Familiar questions are: “What is the lesson here?” or “What am I supposed to be learning here?”
Here are some other helpful ones that put us in a better FEELING place and attracts more of that.
“What is the next step I need to take to turn this around?”
- Oh, what is the BEST question to ask???
“What IS a better feeling thought right now?”
“What do I need to let go of in this situation?”
“Where am I being asked to grow?”
“How can I value myself in this situation?”
On and on…………
You will notice that when you ask a more open ended question like these, you will feel instantly a little bit better. You will feel some hope or more empowered. It begins to move you towards that which you DO want.
So, catch yourself when you are asking a closed circuit question and shift to one that has more possibility.
The answer can only be as good as the question.
Blessings! I love to read your comments! melaniej
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